Hey All,
Thanks for taking time out to reply back with feedback on this. I appreciate it!. 🙂
Knowing suggesting a possible answer often depends on more specific details, here's the scoop on our setup:
Approximate daily data ingest rate: 7 GB
Data retention requirements: "online", searchable data - 90 days, "offline", non-searchable frozen data - 1 year
CPUs: 8 cores, utilization typically stays below 50% (when watching top for a bit, it hovered around 20-25%)
RAM: 16 GB
• Storage is a RAID5 grouping of seven physical 2 TB, 7200 RPM, SAS near-line disks
• Available storage after RAID is 10.913 TB
• This storage is partitioned into 4 logical volumes, each of size: 2,793.774 GB
• We see these four volumes as /data01 through /data04
• There is no difference in size, speed, or capability between these four volumes
• All four volumes continuously compete for the attention of the same seven physical disks
We only need backups in order to meet our data retention needs or to reconstitute the indexer in the event of an outage. We could move backups elsewhere if necessary.
Should we continue to keep the hot & warm buckets on /data01 and place the cold bucket on /data02, frozen on /data03?
Knowing that our disks aren't particularly fast, do we need to consider faster disks for our hot and warm buckets?
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