I see that vix.splunk.impersonation = 1 in provider.
Can you check if Splunk user whom you are trying to impersonate as, has write access on the hdfs at
vix.splunk.home.hdfs = /user/hdfs/splunk/
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Hunk will use the same port used by any splunk search head to connect to the indexer.
Hunk archiving feature should work with any splunk indexer version.
Splunk indexer needs to have hadoop binaries and java to be at the same location as on the Hunk search head.
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That job seems to be from a scheduled report acceleration.
In Splunk Settings under Data section you can find the Report Acceleration Summaries, which will indicate the details. There is a delete option when clicked on each summary id, if you do not need the summaries anymore.
Also the details of each summary indicates corresponding save search under "Reports Using Summary" column.
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Can you please provide us with an example name of the pending jobs. Also can you please check if you have any report acceleration summary building jobs or saved searches with virtual index scheduled.
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HDP 2.2 will be certified as supported in the next Hunk release. Most of the functionality should already be working though. Are you seeing any particular issue while using Hunk with hdp2.2?
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HADOOP_HOME should be set to a directory on the local machine where splunk is installed.
Seems like you are setting hadoop home to a directory on remote cluster where hadoop is installed?
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Can you please check what hadoop version you selected while creating the Provider on UI.
In the drop down Hadoop version is this selected Hadoop 2.x,(MRv1) ?
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