I installed the app and was able to add servers and retrieve data. I found what looks to be a value for all of the connections to the F5, but I need to report on just the APM connections. Anyone have any idea where that can be found? Or perhaps some other way of retrieving? Our F5's are at version 14. The app only says it supports up to v12, but it seems to be working.
index=f5 STATISTIC_CLIENT_SIDE_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS statistics_types=STATISTIC_CLIENT_SIDE_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS "get_all_statistics.virtual_server.name"="/Common/myservername"
Returns what appears to be all connections for the server, the APM connections are about 1/2 of that.
{ [-]
time_stamp: 0
value: { [-]
high: 0
low: 138
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