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- Got Karma for Re: Pivot 201: Sum of amount for each department using Pivot Tables. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Got Karma for Re: Pivot 201: Sum of amount for each department using Pivot Tables. 06-05-2020 12:47 AM
- Posted Re: How can I display a new calculated total field appended at the end of each event? on Splunk Search. 04-30-2015 02:57 PM
- Posted Re: Pivot 201: Sum of amount for each department using Pivot Tables on Splunk Search. 04-28-2015 03:39 PM
- Posted Re: How can I display a new calculated total field appended at the end of each event? on Splunk Search. 04-27-2015 11:04 AM
- Posted Re: Pivot 201: Sum of amount for each department using Pivot Tables on Splunk Search. 04-24-2015 07:03 PM
- Posted Re: How can I display a new calculated total field appended at the end of each event? on Splunk Search. 04-23-2015 02:40 PM
- Posted Pivot 201: Sum of amount for each department using Pivot Tables on Splunk Search. 04-23-2015 02:27 PM
- Tagged Pivot 201: Sum of amount for each department using Pivot Tables on Splunk Search. 04-23-2015 02:27 PM
- Tagged Pivot 201: Sum of amount for each department using Pivot Tables on Splunk Search. 04-23-2015 02:27 PM
- Tagged Pivot 201: Sum of amount for each department using Pivot Tables on Splunk Search. 04-23-2015 02:27 PM
- Posted Re: Pivot 101: I see only two sample data models under Pivot. How can I add data models? Does Pivot work like Excel? on Reporting. 04-15-2015 02:59 PM
- Posted Re: Pivot 101: I see only two sample data models under Pivot. How can I add data models? Does Pivot work like Excel? on Reporting. 04-15-2015 02:41 PM
- Posted Re: Pivot 101: I see only two sample data models under Pivot. How can I add data models? Does Pivot work like Excel? on Reporting. 04-15-2015 02:26 PM
- Posted Re: Pivot 101: I see only two sample data models under Pivot. How can I add data models? Does Pivot work like Excel? on Reporting. 04-15-2015 02:21 PM
- Posted Re: Pivot 101: I see only two sample data models under Pivot. How can I add data models? Does Pivot work like Excel? on Reporting. 04-15-2015 01:44 PM
- Posted Re: Pivot 101: I see only two sample data models under Pivot. How can I add data models? Does Pivot work like Excel? on Reporting. 04-15-2015 01:37 PM
- Posted Pivot 101: I see only two sample data models under Pivot. How can I add data models? Does Pivot work like Excel? on Reporting. 04-15-2015 12:00 PM
- Tagged Pivot 101: I see only two sample data models under Pivot. How can I add data models? Does Pivot work like Excel? on Reporting. 04-15-2015 12:00 PM
- Tagged Pivot 101: I see only two sample data models under Pivot. How can I add data models? Does Pivot work like Excel? on Reporting. 04-15-2015 12:00 PM
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02:57 PM
No need to respond, I was able to figure it out. Thanks!
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03:39 PM
2 Karma
I ran multiple test using Sample data from Buttercup Games under Excel and was able to compare it to Splunk and see what it was doing. I also found that the Amount I was using included $, so I changed the input data and now it works!
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11:04 AM
Hello Chimell,
How familiar are you with Splunk's Pivot tables? I had about 110 that have seen my question on summarizing totals by department but no one have come with an answer as of yet. This is a simple sum that can easily be done under Excel but it requires a number of steps under Splunk. I have gotten close to summarizing it using a lookup table but it did not added up the duplicate amounts. Thanks!
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07:03 PM
I found that the Amount was including $, so I changed the format in the Lookup input and recreated the Lookup table.
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02:40 PM
I just did. Thanks!
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02:27 PM
I have gone over Splunk's tutorial to create Pivot tables. Now that I know the process,
I would appreciate some direction on how to effectively summarize totals by department ID.
Here is a simple water down sample of my input data:
ID Amount
g0001 20000
g0002 10000
g0001 20000
g0003 20000
g0001 10000
g0004 20000
The pivot should provide the following (ID will be on x axis and Total Amount on the y axis for a bar chart):
ID Total Amount
g0001 50000
g0002 10000
g0003 20000
g0004 20000
Splunk requires:
1. to create the pivot data model
2. to create the pivot lookup data
How does Splunk data files translates to my input data?
Is the equivalent to my input data shown above?
Does Splunk require to create from my input data shown above something equivalent to for the Lookup data?
When creating a pivot table, I select "ID" under the split Rows and Count under column values which displays the following result:
ID Count
g0001 3
g0002 1
g0003 1
g0004 1
When creating a pivot table, I select "ID" under the split Rows and Sum for Amount under column values which displays the following result (the sum for Amount shows as blank):
ID Sum
I would appreciate any comments. Thanks!
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02:59 PM
Even though I am not done with the whole tutorial, I want to thank you for your answers! I think it would help if the tutorial would come with a cheatsheet. Thanks again Chris for your patience!
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02:41 PM
I used the unzipped prices.csv instead of by tutorial instructions. Thanks!
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02:26 PM
I tried but I don't know where the prices.csv resides. It is not in the file downloaded in the first step. Ok I found finally found it. I missed a step. Thanks!
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02:21 PM
I am stuck on Add lookup attributes from lookup tables but the prices_lookup under Add Attributes with a Lookup is missing and only shows the dnslookup. Did I miss a step?
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01:44 PM
Is there a step by step example or video in creating just Data Model than the reference to Data Model and Pivot Tutorial? The reference seems to be written for an advance Splunk user. We need the Data Model 101 course. Thanks!
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01:37 PM
I have seen the pivot manual but how can you go about it if the Buttercup Games Sales data model does not exist? There are only two audit data models: Internal Audit Logs and Internal Server Logs Samples.
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12:00 PM
I am familiar with Pivot tables under Microsoft Excel and would like to recreate Pivot tables in Splunk, but don't know where to begin.
Splunk requires data models, but how does a data model match my input file and why does Splunk
needs it to create a Pivot Table?
I see only two sample data models under Pivot. How can I add data models? Does Pivot work like in Excel?
I would appreciate any help. Thanks!
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10:51 AM
Hi Chimell,
It does not work with "eventstats" but it worked with "stats" ! Thank you for your answer!
Also there is no difference if I include "Table event" since it comes up with the
same results. I don't know what the event command does.
host="HP" sourcetype="csv"
| table ActionObligation
| makemv ActionObligation
| mvexpand ActionObligation
| replace "$" with "","($)" with "-" in ActionObligation
| eval ActionObligation1=tonumber(replace(ActionObligation,",",""))
| stats sum(ActionObligation1) as Total
| eval Total=if(Total>0,"$".tostring(Total,"commas"),"($".tostring(Total*-1,"commas").")")
| appendcols [search host="HP" sourcetype="csv"]
Do you know the difference between eventstats and stats?
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11:00 AM
Your example is similar to Case 2 with event but the results are still the same. I need Case 1 to show also and the Total field appended to end of all my events in Case 1. Thanks!
Case 1 shows under Events
Case 2 shows under Statistics
Can Total show under Events as one of the fields appended to the end?
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10:46 AM
I would appreciate any comments.
Search Case 1
Displays all fields for 8292 events
Search Case 2
| table ActionObligation
| makemv ActionObligation
| mvexpand ActionObligation
| replace "$*" with "*","($*)" with "-*" in ActionObligation
| eval ActionObligation1=tonumber(replace(ActionObligation,",",""))
| eventstats sum(ActionObligation1) as Total
| eval Total=if(Total>0,"$".tostring(Total,"commas"),"($".tostring(Total*-1,"commas").")")
Displays 8292 events with these 3 fields:
Action Obligation Action Obligation1 Total
1 1 $200,000
How can I display Case 1 and Case 2 together? Case 1 would have 3 additional fields from case 2 added to end of each event.
(Case 1) (Case 2)
event Action Obligation Action Obligation1 Total
values... 1 1 $200,000
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02:35 PM
"All Fields" do not show the "GrandTotal" . Coverage option is 100%. if fast mode does not perform field discovery
why did "Total" showed before but it no longer shows up under interesting fields? There are over 8,000 events returned from the search. Perhaps something got changed and I need to reset my splunk environment. Thanks!
I think I see my issue. Coverage option should be changed to "All Fields". Now I can see "GrandTotal"! Thanks!
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01:46 PM
I would appreciate any comments:
1) Added "Total" as one of my Selected Fields from the following search (this worked fine):
host="HP" sourcetype="csv" | eval ActionObligation1=tonumber(replace(ActionObligation,",","")) | eventstats sum(ActionObligation1) as Total | eval Total=if(Total>0,"$".tostring(Total,"commas"),"($".tostring(Total*-1,"commas").")")
2) Then I changed "Total" to "GrandTotal" and forgot to remove the previous "Total" from Selected Fields
host="HP" sourcetype="csv" | eval ActionObligation1=tonumber(replace(ActionObligation,",","")) | eventstats sum(ActionObligation1) as GrandTotal | eval GrandTotal=if(GrandTotal>0,"$".tostring(GrandTotal,"commas"),"($".tostring(GrandTotal*-1,"commas").")")
3) I then unchecked all Selected Fields
4) How do I get GrandTotal to appear in Interesting Fields? It no longer displays as an interesting new field. I tried changing back to Total and it no longer displays it under Interesting fields either.
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