Activity Feed
- Posted Re: Create a table view using chart command and addtotals on Dashboards & Visualizations. 09-28-2020 02:29 AM
- Posted Re: How to add feature expand or collapse panel in dashboard using css in simple xml? on Dashboards & Visualizations. 09-28-2020 02:27 AM
- Posted Create a table view using chart command and addtotals on Dashboards & Visualizations. 07-15-2020 05:47 AM
- Posted Re: Need help to add progress bar for a column in my panel on Installation. 04-02-2020 10:35 PM
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02:29 AM
Thanks niketnilay, I was able to come up with a view using addtotals . Thank you.
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02:27 AM
This is an excellent solution, something I was looking for. One question, what changes I will have to make to expand-collapse the panel vertically instead of horizontally?
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05:47 AM
I am trying to a build a dashboard with a table view similar to the one attached. I have searched on the forum but have not found any solutions yet. Any help is appreciated.
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10:35 PM
I tried the above option to show percentage, but the value is changing for the same numbers if the environment is changed. (eg: my count is same but percent value changes from Dev(71%) to Test(98%) env). What can I do to make the percentage consistent across environments.
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