We have been bringing our Splunk Enterprise stand-alone server up with SAML SSO using our windows.net connector for AD integration.
This is working on our test machine without issue. (We had issues getting it 100%, but 'tis the way with SAML and SSO). We have attempted to replicate it to our production server, and keep getting the following error, which is not helpful:
02-08-2022 17:40:19.233 -0500 INFO loader [9134 MainThread] - SAML cert db registration with KVStore successful 02-08-2022 17:39:01.352 -0500 DEBUG AuthenticationManager [7659 SchedulerThread] - AuthProviderHolder destructor for domain: samlv2, authType: SAML, refCnt: 2 02-08-2022 17:39:01.352 -0500 DEBUG AuthenticationManager [7659 SchedulerThread] - AuthProviderHolder destructor for domain: samlv2, authType: SAML, refCnt: 3 02-08-2022 17:39:01.352 -0500 ERROR UserManagerPro [7659 SchedulerThread] - SAML config is invalid, Reconfigure it. 02-08-2022 17:39:01.352 -0500 DEBUG AuthenticationManager [7659 SchedulerThread] - AuthProviderHolder destructor for domain: samlv2, authType: SAML, refCnt: 4 02-08-2022 17:39:01.352 -0500 DEBUG AuthenticationManager [7659 SchedulerThread] - AuthProviderHolder constructor for domain: samlv2, authType: SAML, refCnt: 4 02-08-2022 17:39:01.352 -0500 DEBUG AuthenticationManager [7659 SchedulerThread] - AuthProviderHolder constructor for domain: samlv2, authType: SAML, refCnt: 3 02-08-2022 17:39:01.352 -0500 DEBUG AuthenticationManager [7659 SchedulerThread] - AuthProviderHolder constructor for domain: samlv2, authType: SAML, refCnt: 2 02-08-2022 17:39:01.191 -0500 DEBUG AuthenticationManager [7659 SchedulerThread] - AuthProviderHolder destructor for domain: samlv2, authType: SAML, refCnt: 2 02-08-2022 17:39:01.191 -0500 DEBUG AuthenticationManager [7659 SchedulerThread] - AuthProviderHolder destructor for domain: samlv2, authType: SAML, refCnt: 3 02-08-2022 17:39:01.191 -0500 ERROR UserManagerPro [7659 SchedulerThread] - SAML config is invalid, Reconfigure it.
We have enabled debug logging on the user manager and authentication threads, but this isn't adding any more detail.
authentication.conf looks like this: (altered just the domains, names, GUIDs, etc.)
#authSettings = samlv2
#authType = SAML
authSettings = splunk
authType = splunk
mail = http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress
realName = http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/displayname
role = http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/groups
entityId = splunkEntityProdId
fqdn = https://mydomain.com
idpCertPath = idpCert.pem
idpSLOUrl = https://login.microsoftonline.com/8a4925a9-fd8e-4866-b31c-f/saml2
idpSSOUrl = https://login.microsoftonline.com/8a4925a9-fd8e-4866-b31c-f/saml2
inboundDigestMethod = SHA1;SHA256;SHA384;SHA512
inboundSignatureAlgorithm = RSA-SHA1;RSA-SHA256;RSA-SHA384;RSA-SHA512
issuerId = https://sts.windows.net/8a4925a9-fd8e-4866-b31c-f/
lockRoleToFullDN = true
nameIdFormat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
redirectPort = 8000
replicateCertificates = true
signAuthnRequest = false
signatureAlgorithm = RSA-SHA1
signedAssertion = true
sloBinding = HTTP-POST
ssoBinding = HTTP-POST
allowPartialSignatures = true
admin = b5ba2c9d-6b90-4e48-8746-16d52
GSP-Splunk-Prod-Admin = b5ba2c9d-6b90-4e48-8746-16d52
GSP-Splunk-Prod-Other = 5c89568d-d73f-4022-92b2-f9768
GSP-Splunk-Prod-PowerUser = 6f21a008-d90c-434c-aa48-7ae08
GSP-Splunk-Prod-User = 30a721f4-0281-410f-8e3b-7f9c
power = 6f21a008-d90c-434c-aa48-7ae08
user = 30a721f4-0281-410f-8e3b-7f9cc7
johndoe@none.com = admin;GSP-Splunk-Prod-Admin::John Doe::johndoe@none.com
constantLoginTime = 0.000
enablePasswordHistory = 1
expireAlertDays = 15
expirePasswordDays = 90
expireUserAccounts = 1
forceWeakPasswordChange = 0
lockoutAttempts = 7
lockoutMins = 30
lockoutThresholdMins = 5
lockoutUsers = 1
minPasswordDigit = 0
minPasswordLength = 8
minPasswordLowercase = 0
minPasswordSpecial = 0
minPasswordUppercase = 0
passwordHistoryCount = 3
verboseLoginFailMsg = 1
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