I'm trying to eliminate results below a threshold with dc and it's not working. I only want to show versions that have at least 10 users. Here's some of what I've tried:
Syntax error
index = data | timechart span=1w dc(userid) as Users by version where Users > 10
Only get 1 result back for a version "OTHER"
index = data | timechart span=1w dc(userid) as Users by version where dc > 10
No results
index = data | timechart span=1w dc(userid) as Users by version | where Users > 10
index = data | timechart span=1w dc(userid) as Users by version | where version > 10
Nothing is filtered (count and dc are clearly different values)
index = data | timechart span=1w dc(userid) as Users by version where Users > 10 where count > 10
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