How can I take table output like the above and convert it into key=value pairs, so I can eval them further?
I came up with a different way to do what I needed, but am still pondering the dead-end I reached before that.
Say I have data like:
id=0001 status=class1
id=0002 status=classb
id=0003 status=classb
id=f3e9 status=foo
I do: | stats distinct_count(id) as C by status
Now I have a table:
status C
class1 1
classb 2
foo 1
How can I take table output like the above and convert it into key=value pairs, so I can eval them further? Say, I want to know the ratio of class1 to classb. That is, I want to know (class1's value) / (classb's value).
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