The column to the right has a total of the percentage increase, but I would like to take that total and divide it by the number of rows that made the total.
source="im_positions*.csv" sourcetype="stock-Positions:csv"
| dedup Symbol
| rename "Market Value" as mv
| rename "Estimated Gain_Loss" as egl
| rex field=mv mode=sed "s/,//"
| rex field=egl mode=sed "s/,//"
| rex field=Price mode=sed "s/,//"
| replace $* with * in Price
| replace $* with * in egl
| replace N/A with 0 in egl
| replace $* with * in mv
| replace .000 with * in Quantity
| eval originalprice = (mv - egl)/Quantity
| eval eglneg=egl
| replace - with * in eglneg
| replace $* with * in eglneg
| replace N/A with 0 in eglneg
| eval originalpriceneg = (mv)+(eglneg)
| eval originalprice=if(isnull(originalprice), originalpriceneg, originalprice)
| eval Percent = round(((Price - originalprice)/originalprice*100),0)
| table Symbol Description Quantity originalprice Price egl mv Percent
| rename originalprice as "Purchased Price"
| rename Price as "Current Price"
| rename mv as "Market Value"
| rename Percent as "Percentage Increase"
| rename egl as "Estimated Gain_Loss"
| rename Quantity as "# of Shares"
| addcoltotals
| sort -"Estimated Gain_Loss"
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