I have a log file with a bunch of entries like this:
<carrier-index>[<error>]: 0[0], 1[0.0363152], 2[0.0228264], 3[0.0515129], 4[0.0123894], 5[0.128875], 6[0.0917961], 7[0.0460198], 8[0.81137], 9[-0.105347], 10[0.538207], 11[999], 12[999], 13[999], 14[999], 15[999], 16[0.74948], 17[0.0690911], 18[0.709686], 19[-0.184876], 20[999]
As it states at the very beginning, the first number is the carrier-index and the number in brackets is the error. This lines above come as one event and I am trying to extract the index and the error. Since this is two variables with multiple values in one event, I think I need to use a multi-value field... just not sure exactly how to do it.
This will extract the very first one.. I think I just do a repeat of this once they are multi-value fields?
how do I get both the fields 'carrier' and 'error' to be multi-value and then get it to pick up all the values?
My end result would then be a graph with all the carriers showing the error values over time.
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