Hi guys
I'm trying to create a statistic table for the data from jira. Each column has different severity for jira issue.
For example severity from S0 to S3, but there is no S0 level issue. So when i use the chart count b _time, severity it doesn't show the column for S0. I'm wondering is there any way to setup default value to 0 so i can see the missing column.
Thanks for help.
the command i use:
index = "demo1" severity != null sdlc_phase !="closed"|dedup key| eval _time=strptime(created,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000+0000") | bin _time span="1mon" | eval n_status=lower('severity') | eval sort_field=case(n_status=="s0", 1,n_status=="s1", 2,n_status=="s2", 3,n_status=="s3", 4, n_status=="TOTAL", 5 )| chart count by _time, severity |sort _time desc | fields - n_status sort_field | addtotals
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