I assume there is no way to do what I want, but I figured I'd ask anyway. I have a background job processor that logs data about the jobs, as follows.
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18959)] KtEventReport 82245248 completed after 0.1432
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18937)] KtEventReport 82245253 completed after 0.1443
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,INFO,ip-10-126-214-147(18959)] ,host:ip-10-126-214-147 pid:18959] 1 jobs processed at 5.9643 j/s, 0 failed ...
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,INFO,ip-10-126-214-147(18937)] ,host:ip-10-126-214-147 pid:18937] 2 jobs processed at 6.2623 j/s, 0 failed ...
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18944)] KtEventReport 82245256 completed after 0.1428
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18925)] KtUserReport 82245257 completed after 0.1455
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,INFO,ip-10-126-214-147(18944)] ,host:ip-10-126-214-147 pid:18944] 1 jobs processed at 6.5080 j/s, 0 failed ...
[2011-06-13 12:10:37,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18952)] KtEventReport 82245275 completed after 0.1444
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,INFO,ip-10-126-214-147(18925)] ,host:ip-10-126-214-147 pid:18925] 1 jobs processed at 5.9259 j/s, 0 failed ...
[2011-06-13 12:10:37,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18952)] KtEventReport 82245282 completed after 0.1435
[2011-06-13 12:10:37,INFO,ip-10-126-214-147(18952)] ,host:ip-10-126-214-147 pid:18952] 2 jobs processed at 6.4665 j/s, 0 failed ..
Note that the number in parenthesis at the end of the timestamp is the process ID of the process handling the job. I would like to break up my events into batches run for each process ID. However, the various batches for each process ID are interleaved in the logs. If I understand correctly, you can only break up the logs into events serially, so what I want to do probably isn't possible. However, if I am wrong about that and there is a way to do this, let me know! To be clear, the above log would be broken into the following events.
event 1:
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18959)] KtEventReport 82245248 completed after 0.1432
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,INFO,ip-10-126-214-147(18959)] ,host:ip-10-126-214-147 pid:18959] 1 jobs processed at 5.9643 j/s, 0 failed ...
event 2:
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18937)] KtEventReport 82245253 completed after 0.1443
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,INFO,ip-10-126-214-147(18937)] ,host:ip-10-126-214-147 pid:18937] 2 jobs processed at 6.2623 j/s, 0 failed ...
event 3:
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18944)] KtEventReport 82245256 completed after 0.1428
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,INFO,ip-10-126-214-147(18944)] ,host:ip-10-126-214-147 pid:18944] 1 jobs processed at 6.5080 j/s, 0 failed ...
event 4:
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18925)] KtUserReport 82245257 completed after 0.1455
[2011-06-13 12:10:31,INFO,ip-10-126-214-147(18925)] ,host:ip-10-126-214-147 pid:18925] 1 jobs processed at 5.9259 j/s, 0 failed ...
event 5:
[2011-06-13 12:10:37,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18952)] KtEventReport 82245275 completed after 0.1444
[2011-06-13 12:10:37,DEBUG,ip-10-126-214-147(18952)] KtEventReport 82245282 completed after 0.1435
[2011-06-13 12:10:37,INFO,ip-10-126-214-147(18952)] ,host:ip-10-126-214-147 pid:18952] 2 jobs processed at 6.4665 j/s, 0 failed ..
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