Hi Team,
We used appendcols and hence write following query, but when we run following query then Overall counts get fine but the problem with Unique counts the appendcols function write data for overall but unique counts are blank.
sourcetype="A1" "test " | eval CompletedCt = "Overall" | stats count(userID) As Heats by Date,CompletedCt,Flow| appendcols [search sourcetype="A1" "test1" Completed | eval CompletedCt = "Overall" | stats count(UserId) As Completed by Date,CompletedCt,Flow] | APPEND [search sourcetype="A1" "test" | eval CompletedCt = "Unique" | stats dc(UserID) As Heatsby Date,CompletedCt,Flow] | appendcols [search sourcetype="A1" "test" Completed | eval CompletedCt = "Unique" | stats dc(UserID) As Completed by Date,CompletedCt,Flow ] | table Date,CompletedCt,IdRecMethod,Attempt,Completed
Please help me out.
Thanks in advance.
Sandeep Thosar
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