I'm having certain panel in my dashboard using | pivot command and others using | datamodel command (coz there are certain things you cant do with pivot). I want to allow the user to select the granularity of the time charts in the dashboard when they select a longer time range. So, in the change event handler, I'm trying to convert the span value compatible with the period argument in pivot. <input type="dropdown" token="span" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="">Default</choice>
<choice value="span=1m">1 min</choice>
<choice value="span=15m">15 min</choice>
<choice value="span=30m">30 min</choice>
<choice value="span=1h">1 hour</choice>
<choice value="span=1d">1 day</choice>
<eval token="PivotPeriodAutoSolo">case("$span$"="span=1m", "1m", "$span$"="span=15m", "15m", "$span$"="span=30m", 30m, "$span$"="span=1h", 1h, "$span$"="span=1d", 1d, 1=1, "auto")</eval>
</input> But for some reason this change does not get applied.
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