I'm ingesting XML DMARC reports into Splunk, but the individual events aren't very useful without including things like begin_date, end_date, org_name, email and report_id in each event. Those values only exist in a "metadata" section at the top of the report. How can I take those values that only occur once in the report and include them in each event?
Here's a sample of the XML data I'm ingesting:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
I haven't been able to figure out how to pull the date and org_name fields out of the report_metadata section and put them into into each individual event. So ideally, I'd like my events to look something like:
report_id=1a292ea2-d440-4985-a969-839778bceac1, date_begin=1487289600, date_end=1487376000, org_name=emailsrvr.com, source_ip=192.168.x.x, disposition=none, dkim=fail, spf=pass, header_from=mycompany.com
report_id=1a292ea2-d440-4985-a969-839778bceac1, date_begin=1487289600, date_end=1487376000, org_name=emailsrvr.com, source_ip=192.168.x.x, disposition=none, dkim=pass, spf=fail, header_from=mycompany.com
Some questions:
1. Should I ingest the whole XML file as a single event and then do the processing at search time, or should I use XML_KV and break events on the tag?
2. How do I parse out the values in the report_metadata field and apply them to each event?
Here's my current sourcetype configuration for this data source:
LINE_BREAKER = (<record>)
category = Email
description = DMARC XML Reports
disabled = false
pulldown_type = true
BREAK_ONLY_BEFORE = (<record>)
KV_MODE = xml
Thanks in advance for your help!
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