I've been scratching my head for a couple of days trying to figure this out without success.
In following the Summary Index Knowledge Manual article titled "Usesummaryindexing" I believe I have the search scheduled correctly. I don't have the karma to post screenshots or links, so I'll do my best to describe the problem.
search name "summary_prod_5min"
search: index=prod | rex "(?<"LOG">.{300})" | sitop limit=100 LOG (I had to quote "LOG" for the wiki text parser. the actual search contains no quotes around LOG)
start time: -6m end time: -1m (to account for the slight lag in indexing..)
scheduled every 5 minutes (2,7,12,17,22,27,etc etc)
all default alert settings with no email, script, triggered alerts, etc.
summary indexing enabled to summary index called "ops_summary"
added field "report" with value of "prod_5min"
As far as I can tell, this is correctly configured. I also made sure that the ops_summary index is configured on the search head:
(root@splunkSH) splunk > bin/splunk cmd btool indexes list | sed -n -e '/ops_summary/,/\[/ p'
assureUTF8 = false
blockSignSize = 0
blockSignatureDatabase = _thefishbucket
bucketRebuildMemoryHint = auto
coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB/ops_summary/colddb
coldPath.maxDataSizeMB = 0
coldToFrozenDir =
coldToFrozenScript =
compressRawdata = true
defaultDatabase = _thefishbucket
enableOnlineBucketRepair = true
enableRealtimeSearch = true
frozenTimePeriodInSecs = 188697600
homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/ops_summary/db
homePath.maxDataSizeMB = 0
hotBucketTimeRefreshInterval = 10
indexThreads = auto
maxBloomBackfillBucketAge = 30d
maxBucketSizeCacheEntries = 0
maxConcurrentOptimizes = 1
maxDataSize = auto
maxHotBuckets = 3
maxHotIdleSecs = 0
maxHotSpanSecs = 7776000
maxMemMB = 5
maxMetaEntries = 1000000
maxRunningProcessGroups = 8
maxRunningProcessGroupsLowPriority = 1
maxTimeUnreplicatedNoAcks = 300
maxTimeUnreplicatedWithAcks = 60
maxTotalDataSizeMB = 100000
maxWarmDBCount = 300
memPoolMB = auto
minRawFileSyncSecs = disable
minStreamGroupQueueSize = 2000
partialServiceMetaPeriod = 0
processTrackerServiceInterval = 1
quarantineFutureSecs = 2592000
quarantinePastSecs = 77760000
rawChunkSizeBytes = 131072
repFactor = 0
rotatePeriodInSecs = 60
serviceMetaPeriod = 25
serviceOnlyAsNeeded = true
serviceSubtaskTimingPeriod = 30
streamingTargetTsidxSyncPeriodMsec = 5000
suppressBannerList = _audit
sync = 0
syncMeta = true
thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/ops_summary/thaweddb
throttleCheckPeriod = 15
tstatsHomePath = volume:_splunk_summaries/$_index_name/datamodel_summary
warmToColdScript =
The next step was to make sure the search returned results. I went to the search, and clicked "view recent" where I see each run does produce results; in the neighborhood of ~400k per run. I clicked "inspect" and the things that I would suspect to be there, are there. (summary index name is correct, input and output counts are there, summary_index action, etc.)
From what I can tell, everything indicates the summary index is configured appropriately. When I do a simple search, I get no results:
earliest=-1h index=ops_summary
I tried to be more specific, and it's still empty:
earliest=-1h index=ops_summary report=prod_5min
Can anyone lend some advice on where to look for trouble? I'm happy to provide any additional details as well.
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