Hi guys,
could you give me a documentation of the metadata fields of the custom search command?
Im searching for something like:
- generating: true,
- type: "streaming", "generating" and so on
Thanks guys
update: Got a answer from Splunk support.
The metadata JSON object sent in reply by the external command during the getinfo exchange must have the following structure. Some fields are optional (as indicated below).
"type": <string>,
"generating": <bool>,
"required_fields": [ <string>, ... ],
"maxwait": <number>,
"streaming_preop": <string>,
"finished": <bool>,
"error": <string>,
"inspector": {
"messages": [
[ <string>, <string> ],
Field descriptions:
type: <string>
- Optional. Defaults to "streaming".
- Must be one of "streaming", "stateful", "events",
"reporting". See "Types of Commands" below for details
on the semantic differences between these types of
generating: <bool>
- Optional. Defaults to false.
- Whether or not this command is a "generating" command.
- Generating commands create search results (rather than
processing the results of a preceding base search). A
generating command must be the first command in an SPL
search string.
- After the getinfo exchange, Splunk will send generating
commands "execute" commands with an empty result body.
required_fields: [ <string>, ... ]
- Optional. Defaults to not set.
- This is a list of fields that the command requires as
input. This list is used to drive field extraction
during the search.
- If required_fields is set and this command is a
"streaming" or "stateful" command, Splunk will send only
the specified fields to the external process in
subsequent "execute" chunks, but the output of the
external process will be merged with all remaining
fields. See "Selected Fields" below for more detail.
- If an external command needs all fields, or doesn't know
what fields it needs, use: [ "*" ]
- Accurately specifying required_fields can result in
better search performance than using [ "*" ].
maxwait: <number>
- Optional. Defaults to 0.
- The maximum time (in seconds) that Splunk will wait for
the external process to produce output on standard
out. If this time is exceeded, Splunk will terminate the
- This can be used to detect external search commands that
- A value of 0 means to wait forever.
streaming_preop: <string>
- Optional. Defaults to not set.
- For non-streaming commands (e.g. stateful, events,
reporting), this is an SPL snippet ("preop") that will
get prepended to this search command before Splunk
executes it. This allows external search commands a
limited ability to rewrite SPL strings.
- The preop must be composed only of streaming commands
(e.g. eval, where, etc.).
- The preop may execute at the Indexers.
- The preop may be a streaming external search command,
which allows external search command developers to
author "map-reduce" style search commands.
error: <string>
- Optional. Defaults to not set.
- If error given, Splunk will display the given string to
the user as an error in Splunk Web and terminate the
- Only supported in Splunk 6.4.0 or later.
inspector.messages: [ [ <string>, <string> ], ... ]
- Optional. Defaults to not set.
- This field allows external search commands to return
user-visible messages related to a search.
- The value must be a list of [ <level>, <message> ] pairs
where <level> is one of "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", or
"DEBUG", and <message> is the string to be displayed to
the user
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