If you have git, you can do is create a simple python that do git pull the app into shcluster, and also do an apply after the pull. There are git module out there you can use. Here is a quick simple one that I wrote up awhile back to do the cluster apply.
Something like this ---
def dirsWalkSHCluster():
dirwalk = os.listdir( shcluster_Path )
#print dirwalk
print "Updating Search Head Cluster apps"
for file in dirwalk:
if not file.startswith('.'):
if not file.startswith('README'):
if not file.startswith('splunk_admin_app'):
if not file.startswith('sentinel.txt'):
joinpath = os.path.join(shcluster_Path, file)
os.chdir( joinpath )
## Git Process
git_process = subprocess.Popen(["git", "pull", "origin", "master"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
processOutput = git_process.communicate()[0]
print "datetime="+now + " " + " " + "gitrepo="+file + " " + "message="+processOutput
## Apply Search Head Cluster changes
splunkCommand = ("sudo /opt/splunk/bin/./splunk apply shcluster-bundle --answer-yes -target https://%s:8089 -auth git_deploy:git_deploy_pw") %(searchhead)
splunkOutput = subprocess.Popen(splunkCommand, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
msgOut = splunkOutput.communicate()[0]
print "datetime="+now + " " + "command_run=Reload SHCluster" + " " + " " + "message=" +msgOut
run the script as splunk user, in sudoers file only allow splunk to run splunk command and you can specific with command. You can probably obscure the pw too.
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