I am trying to log events like the one below (with the xml content) however
2014-06-30 19:10:35,637 INFO [RnApp] (pool-11-thread-6 - ajp- E9944F6B7A094983782B7D2CF1FA2050.node1876 POST /sahok/randor.jsp 5623432387 L CA_EN) DEBUG response XML = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<placeOrderResponse requestId="23434-ou234-983483-p234i34o" id="93993493">
<order merchantOrderId="299209344" FKOrderId="E4X2309098340338">
For some reason my splunk randomly ignores anything after the opening <payload> tag, eg:
2014-06-30 19:10:35,637 INFO [RandomApp] (pool-11-thread-6 - ajp- E9944F6B7A094983782B7D2CF1FA2050.node1876 POST /sahok/randor.jsp 5623432387 L CA_EN) DEBUG response XML = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Please could someone help me resolve this issue? the source file also contains other types of events; however they are parsed without any issues by splunk.
We are using Splunk 4.2.3 version.
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