Actually, we have 6 indexers and 1 SH. We are migrating our platefrom to a multisite indexer cluster with 18 indexers and a search head cluster (3SH).
In legacy platefrom, we have more that 20TB stored by indexer.
We will perform these steps to migrate indexers :
1-Transform bucket on old indexers, from standalone to cluster bucket (via script)
2-Add old indexers to the cluster
3-Put the old indexers into Detention : Issue a 'splunk offline --enforce-counts' command to ONE old indexer
4-Wait for the buckets to migrate off the old indexer.
5-Repeat steps 3-4 for the remaining old indexers
6-Once all buckets are moved to the new indexers, remove the old indexers from the cluster
I'm afraid that copying many TB between two sites, causes network congestion. Do you have any ideas on best practices doing that ? Is there a throttling replication parameter that we can use ? Is there another optimized way ? Is the steps we follow are good ?
Thanks in advance.
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