Ran into this same issue but using DBX does cache results of your db query... sometimes. We have lots of savedsearches that are populated into our dashboards using DBX. Some panels get cached while others don't. To me, it's a mystery why this is as if you look at the searchid (SID) in your dispatch directory, you definitely see the file "results.csv.gz". The existence of that file should make Splunk load the cached results of that particular job before it's next scheduled run-time.
So, what we've done to get all our panels populated with cached results is to run 'loadjob' of the scheduled savedsearch name and shove that as a panel into our dashboard. Now, my guys are happy as they don't have to wait for 20+ mins for data to get populated while accessing their dashboard.
We're using Splunk 6.0 with DBX v1.1.3.
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