We have a query for an alert that was working prior, but is no longer returning the correct results. We haven't changed anything on our instance, so I'm not sure as to what would be the cause. Query is below (I blanked out the index names, etc of course). I tested it with an different query which is returning the expected results, but I'd like to figure out what's going on with this one.
index=testindex OR index=testindex2 source="insertpath" ErrorCodesResponse=PlanInvalid
| search TraceId=*
| stats values(TraceId) as TraceId
| mvexpand TraceId
| join type=inner TraceId
[search index=test ("Test SKU")
| fields TraceId,@t,@mt,RequestPath]
| eval date=strftime(strptime('@t', "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%6N%Z"), "%Y-%m-%d"), time=strftime(strptime('@t', "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%6N%Z"), "%H:%M")
| table time, date, TraceId, @MT,RequestPath
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