I'm trying to optimize the alerts since I'm having issues. Where I work, it's somewhat slow to solve the problem (1 to 3 days) when the alert is triggered. This causes the alert to constantly trigger in the given time. I can't use Throttle since my alerts do not depend on a single host or event. For example: index=os_pci_windowsatom host IN (HostP1 HostP2 HostP3 HostP4) source=cnt_mx_pci_sql_*_status_db
|dedup 1 host state_desc
| streamstats values(state_desc) as State by host
| eval Estado=case(
State!="ONLINE", "Critico",
State="ONLINE", "Safe"
| table Estado host State _time
| where Estado="Critico" When the status of a Host changes to critical, it triggers the alert. For this reason, I cannot use Throttle because in the time span that this alert is silenced, one of the hosts may trigger, omitting the entire alert completely. My idea is to create logic based on the results of the last triggered alert and compare them with the current alert where if the host and status are the same, it remains unchanged. However, if the host and status are different from the previous one triggered, it should be triggered. I thought about using the data where it's stored, but I don't know how to search for this information, does anyone have an idea? e Any comment is greatly appreciated.
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