I want to get the below search executed and display the results in a table for all comma separated values that gets passed from dropdown.
index="xxx" source = "yyyyzzz" AND $DropdownValue$ AND Input| eventstats max(_time) as maxTimestamp by desc| head 1 | dedup _time | eval lastTriggered = strftime(_time, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")| stats values(lastTriggered) as lastTriggeredTime| appendcols [search index="xxx" source = "yyyyzzz" sourcetype = "mule:rtf:per:logs" AND $DropdownValue$ AND Output| eventstats max(_time) as maxTimestamp by desc| head 1 | dedup_time | eval lastProcessed = strftime(_time, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")| stats values(lastProcessed) as lastProcessedTime] | appendcols [search index="xxx" source = "yyyyzzz" sourcetype = "mule:rtf:per:logs" AND $DropdownValue$ AND Error| eventstats max(_time) as maxTimestamp by desc| head 1 | dedup_time | eval lastErrored = strftime(_time, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")]|eval "COMPONENT ID"="$DropdownValue$"|eval "Last Triggered Time"=lastTriggeredTime |eval "Last Processed Time"=lastProcessedTime| eval "Last Errored Time"=lastErrored | table "COMPONENT ID", "Last Triggered Time", "Last Processed Time","Last Errored Time" | fillnull value="NOT IN LAST 12 HOURS" "COMPONENT ID","Last Triggered Time", "Last Processed Time","Last Errored Time"
For example if $dropdownValue$ is having ABC,DEV, then the entire above mentioned search should get executed twice and 2 rows od data should be displayed in the table. Can someone guide how this can be achieved?
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