Hi, everyone, need you help.
I have the json data, and the format is like this:
"alert_data": {"domain": "abc.com", "csv": {"id": 12345, "name": "credentials.csv", "mimetype": "text/csv", "is_safe": true, "content": [{"username": "test@abc.com", "password":"1qaz@WSX#EDC"}
Because password is sensitive information, I do 6-digits mask before indexing.
In addition, I need to check if the password meets the complexity, for example, the password should be at least 8 characters long and must include at least three of the following: numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special characters.
So the indexed data should be:
"alert_data": {"domain": "abc.com", "csv": {"id": 12345, "name": "credentials.csv", "mimetype": "text/csv", "is_safe": true, "content": [{"username": "test@abc.com", "password":"******SX#EDC","is_password_meet_complexity":"Yes"}
I already mask the password with SEDCMD like this:
SEDCMD-password = s/\"password\"\:\s+\"\S{6}([^ ]*)/"password":"******\1/g
But I have no idea how to extract the complexity metadata of password field before indexing ( add "is_password_meet_complexity" field to log), should I use ingest time eval? Your support in this is highly appreciated.
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