Hi folks, our field parsing/extraction has broken across all sourcetypes (nginx, log4j, aws:elb's, fix,custom formats as well). The most recent infra event we had was an increase of file storage over a month ago. If our error were related to a single sourcetype I would assume I have to review my props.conf file for the associated app and sourcetype,but in this case it appears something more systemic is occurring. As someone with limited knowledge of splunk admin,where can I look to narrow my search to the root cause? Trying to RTFM, and am familiar with the "general" log structure but not sure exactly what I'm looking for. (an error/exception on restart directly calling out a props.conf file? An index related exception? idk) Would btool help me confirm if my props.conf files are correctly loading? Is there something would indicate a failure of log parsing? Splunk Enterprise single-instance on an 8 Core 32GB instance Cheers //A
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