Thank you @bowesmana . However I could not get the results with above one. Let me try to put the requirement with example again Search 1 : index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler earliest=-1h@h latest=now | stats latest(status) as FirstStatus by scheduled_time savedsearch_name | search NOT FirstStatus IN ("success","delegated_remote") This query will give result like below scheduled_time savedsearch_name FirstStatus 1712131500 ABC skipped Now I wanted to take the savedsearch_name ABC and the scheduled_time=1712131500 into next query and search like below index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler savedsearch_name="ABC" earliest=-1h@h latest=now | eval failed_time="1712131500" | eval range=if((failed_time>=durable_cursor AND failed_time<=scheduled_time),"COVERED","NOT COVERED") | where durable_cursor!=scheduled_time | table savedsearch_name durable_cursor scheduled_time range 04-03-2024 05:38:18.025 +0000 INFO SavedSplunker ... savedsearch_name="ABC", priority=default, status=success, durable_cursor=1712131400, scheduled_time=1712131600 Combining both into one search is fine. If not taking the values and passing into lookup and then refer later is also fine
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