Hey Bishida, Thanks for your prompt reply! Java version: jdk11 on ubuntu sandbox, "1.8.0_392" on local, OpenJDK version "17.0.10" 2024-01-16 on a k8s pod We have used ubuntu ec2, pods with java, WSL on Linux but no luck on profiling on any of those. But none of them are able to show up profiling on the Splunk observability platform. Then we are instrumenting the curl app using the given command
java -javaagent:splunk-otel-javaagent.jar -Dsplunk.profiler.enabled=true -Dsplunk.profiler.memory.enabled=true -Dotel.service.name=ec2 -Dotel.resource.attributes=deployment.environment=lab,service.version=1.0 -Dotel.exporter.otlp.endpoint=http://localhost:4317 -Dsplunk.metrics.endpoint=http://localhost:9943 -jar target/curlapp-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
and setting up the following Gvars.
So, we are using a curl app https://github.com/astro7982/curlappstatic this was present in Splunk's one of the tutorials. Then we are installing the collector, I have tried various ways one is adding integration and copying the commands and it starts using the systemctl in an ubuntu image. One thing is that after instrumenting the app we get the app logs with some otel populated metrics like "profiling JFR detected at "./jfr" file name. Also, apart from putting on the service name and env on exporting vars and passing java options logs says that no service name is set "and asks us to export it again, we have cross checked the service name is set properly and on APM we can the service name too. We have also tried this with simple hello world java app and with petclinic but no luck.
Hope this information is useful!
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