Hello, I am trying to use a subsearch in order to create a dashboard, but being the subsearches have limitations it is timing out and not producing results. I know the code works when I shorten the duration of time and logs it's ingesting, but that is not an acceptable solution for this dashboard. Is there a better way to write this code or another way for me to produce the results? index="iis_logs" sourcetype="iis" s_port="443" sc_status=401 cs_method!="HEAD" [search index="windows_logs" LogName="Security" Account_Domain=EXCH OR Account_Domain="-" EventCode="4625" OR EventCode="4740" user="john@doe.com" OR user="johndoe" | where NOT cidrmatch("",Source_Network_Address) | top limit=1 Source_Network_Address | dedup Source_Network_Address | rename Source_Network_Address as c_ip | table c_ip] My goal is to take information from first panel in my dashboard and then use that information to do a different search in another panel
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