Hello, I'm building a query which matches entries in an inputlookup table against a set of log data. The original working query (thanks to @ITWhisperer ) is: dataFeedTypeId=AS [ | inputlookup approvedsenders | fields Value | rename Value as sender] | stats count as cnt_sender by sender | append [inputlookup approvedsenders | fields Value | rename Value as sender] | fillnull cnt_sender | stats sum(cnt_sender) as count BY sender This is correctly providing a list of all of the emails address entries in the lookup file with the number of times they occur in the email address field (sender) of the dataset. However, the "Value" field from the lookup file may contain an email address, an IP address, or a domain name: "Value,description,spoof,spam,heuristic,newsletter training.cloud@bob,Email Tests,Y,Y,Y,Y mk.mimecast.com,mimecast emails,Y,Y,Y,Y blah@yahoo.com,more belgrat,Y,Y,Y,Y bbc.co.uk,BBC sends me lots of useful information,N,Y,Y,Y,test IP,Y,Y,Y,Y yahoo.com, Yahoo domain,Y,Y,Y,Y" What I need to do next is to widen the search, at the moment it is doing an exact match on the sender field and I need the entries in the lookup file to be used against a number of fields in the log data. Examples: This query seems to provide the correct results but it does not show the null values as above(n.b. the return 1000 isn't optimal code, I'd prefer it to simply return all of the results): dataFeedTypeId=AS [| inputlookup approvedsenders | fields Value | return 1000 $Value] | stats count as cnt_sender by sender This query also provides the correct results but again does not show the null values (there is no domain field in the log data, I am using an app to extract it from the sender field) dataFeedTypeId=AS | rex field=sender "\@(?<domain_detected>.*)" | eval list="mozilla" | `ut_parse_extended(domain_detected, list)` | lookup approvedsenders Value AS domain_detected OUTPUTNEW description Value | lookup approvedsenders Value AS sender OUTPUTNEW description Value | lookup approvedsenders Value AS senderIp OUTPUTNEW description Value | search description="*" | table subject sender domain_detected senderIP description Value | lookup approvedsenders description OUTPUTNEW Value as Matched | stats count by Matched My apologies for the long question, thank you for taking the time to read this far.
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