on index=_internal I have to create two searches one on (report ) and one connected to the dashboard where the index and the sourcetypes have collected events, with the date of the first and last event on the specific sourcetypes, the searches must take into account the data already present in the lookup itself. With the search, we don't have to overwrite the lookup every time, making the very purpose of its creation fail, since the date of the first event is lost as soon as the searchable data go beyond the retention of the indexes. also with 2 lookup datasets, an old one we have, a new one we need to create. check between the old and the new. if the old recorded data is old, it is kept if the new data is among the oldest, it will be replaced. below the oldlookup search /// // index="_internal"
| stats count, earliest(_time) as first, latest(_time) as last by sourcetype, index, host
| eval first = strftime(first, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), last = strftime(last, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| table host, index, sourcetype, first, last
| rename first as "first event", last as "last event"
| sort - "first event"
| outputlookup old
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