Thank you very much, that explains it! I was able to complete my little proof of concept, this is my complete search: sourcetype=nftemp
| top 100 SRC
| eval ip_address = SRC
| eval ip_dot_decimal_split=split(ip_address,".")
| eval first=mvindex(ip_dot_decimal_split,0),second=mvindex(ip_dot_decimal_split,1),third=mvindex(ip_dot_decimal_split,2),fourth=mvindex(ip_dot_decimal_split,3)
| fields - ip_dot_decimal_split
| eval first=first*pow(256,3),second=second*pow(256,2),third=third*256
| eval ip_address_integer=first+second+third+fourth
| map search=" | inputlookup geobeta
| where endIPNum >= $ip_address_integer$ AND startIPNum <= $ip_address_integer$
| eval ip=$ip_address$
| eval mapcount=$count$
| sort mapcount
| table mapcount,ip,country_iso_code,latitude,longitude,ASName,ASNumber" maxsearches=20000 The sourcetype is a random generated nftables log with a few IPs in it, then convert the ip's to decimal and do the search against the geobeta lookup. The source of the geobeta lookup contains also only a few records, not sure how it will perform when the geobeta lookup will have millions of records in it, lets see ... geobeta comes from maxmind by the way.
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