Hello guys, I have below query which uses join. I see lots of examples how to replace that with stats, but I am not able to. I need to join on _time and another field called snat. Output should at least show client_ip Account_Name.
index=_ad (EventCode=4625 OR (EventCode=4771 Failure_Code=0x18)) Account_Name=JohnDoe Source_Network_Address IN (
| bucket span=1m _time
| eval Source_Network_Address1 = case(EventCode==4771, trim(Client_Address, "::ffff:"))
| eval SourceIP = Source_Network_Address
| eval Account_Name4625= case(EventCode=4625,mvindex(Account_Name,1))
| eval Account_Name4771= case(EventCode=4771,Account_Name)
| eval Account_Name = coalesce(Account_Name4771, Account_Name4625)
| eval Source_Network_Address_Port = SourceIP+":"+Source_Port
| rex field=ComputerName "(?<DCName>^([^.]+))"
| rename Source_Network_Address_Port as snat
| stats count by _time snat Account_Name EventCode DCName
| join type=inner _time snat
[search index=_network snat IN (*,*)
| bucket span=1m _time
| rex field=client "^(?<client_ip>.*?)\:(?<client_port>.*)"
| stats count by _time snat client_ip]
@woodcock @MuS
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