I have a search like this to fetch the maximum value. Now the case i wanted to add is, if the maximum value field is 4-step4 then i want my table to display second maximum value as the max step. Desired result Id Step that is taking maximum time maxtime 12345678 3-step3 33 | makeresults | eval _raw="{
\"Detail\": {
\"Id\": 12345678,
\"RequestCompleteTS\": \"2023-04-27T15:59:30.6960113-04:00\",
\"Steps\": {
\"0-step1\": 32,
\"0-step2\": 15,
\"3-step3\": 33,
\"4-step4\": 49,
\"5-step5\": 15,
\"6-step6\": 9,
\"7-step7\": 8
\"StepsCnt\": 18,
\"TargetRegion\": \"BRD\"
\"LogType\": \"Info\",
\"Message\": \"Success\",
\"Time\": \"2023-04-27 15:59:30.696--04:00\""
``` ^^^ create dummy event ^^^ ```
| spath
| rename Detail.Id AS Id Detail.Steps.* AS *
| foreach *step* [ eval Steps=if(isnull(Steps), '<<FIELD>>', mvappend(Steps, '<<FIELD>>')) ]
| eval steps_list_ordered=mvmap( mvsort(mvmap(mvdedup(Steps), len(Steps) . "-" . Steps)), substr(Steps, 3) )
,maxtime=mvindex(steps_list_ordered, mvcount(steps_list_ordered)-1)
| foreach *-step* [ eval "maxstep"=if('<<FIELD>>'=maxtime, "<<FIELD>>", if(isnotnull('maxstep'), 'maxstep', null())) ]
| rename maxstep AS "Step that is taking maximum time"
| table Id "Step that is taking maximum time" maxtime
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