My search is supposed to return some data with double quotes on it but when I use the TABLE function the results displayed are encoded. Example: Search: index=* "america" "PurchaseOrgE" |rex "Query being run \[(?<Query>(.*?)(?=\]))" |eval ParsedQuery = replace(Query," AND "," AND ") |table ParsedQuery Expected result: SELECT M2HTab1."SupplierKey.UniqueName" AS "SupplierKey_UniqueName",M2HTab1."Name"
Current result:
SELECT M2HTab1."SupplierKey.UniqueName" AS "SupplierKey_UniqueName",M2HTab1."Name"
As you can see in the examples the double quotes are encoded making it hard to properly see the results. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
Thanks in advance.
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