I have 2 eventa from a mainframe running z/OS (not sure that affects things): 1.{"MFSOURCETYPE":"SYSLOG","DATETIME":"2024-04-24 13:35:18.05 +0100","SYSLOGSYSTEMNAME":"A090","JOBID":"STC15694","JOBNAME":"RDSONLVP","SYSPLEX":"UKPPLX01","ACTION":"INFORMATIONAL","MSGNUM":"IEF234E","MSGTXT":"IEF234E K 449F,JE5207,PVT,RDSONLVP,RDSONLVP","MSGREQTYPE":""} 2. {"MFSOURCETYPE":"SYSLOG","DATETIME":"2024-04-24 13:34:47.92 +0100","SYSLOGSYSTEMNAME":"A090","JOBID":"STC15694","JOBNAME":"RDSONLVP","SYSPLEX":"UKPPLX01","CONSOLE":"INTERNAL","ACTION":"INFORMATIONAL","MSGNUM":"IEC147I","MSGTXT":"IEC147I 613-04,IFG0195B,RDSONLVP,RDSONLVP,IIII4004,449F,JE5207,\nRDS.VPLS.PDLY0001.PFDRL.U142530.E240220\x9C\n \x80\x80","MSGREQTYPE":""} for event 1, everything works as it should. For event 2, the MSGTXT field is coming up blank: I thought that the MDSGTCT field might be populated and just not displaying becasue of the control characters (the mainframe doesn't use these, so not sure where they are coming from) but running rex against MSGTXT or substr still gives me nothing. Adding the search command: rex "MSGTXT(?<msgtext>.+):" does create a msgtext field with the MSGTXT plus a few more characters : ":"IEC147I 613-04,IFG0195B,RDSONLVP,RDSONLVP,IIII4004,449F,JE5207,\nRDS.VPLS.PDLY0001.PFDRL.U142530.E240220\x9C\n \x80\x80","MSGREQTYPE" , so the data is in the event to be extracted. I can work with this to extract the comma-deliminated field that I actually want, but it's a pain having to prcess this particula MSGNUM (IEC147I) differently. Any suggestions as to how to go about getting htese events parsed correctly? Thanks, Steve
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