I found a solution that seems to work for me.. The issue was in the histperc macro when attempting to overwrite already created fields with new values. The query i came up with is | mstats rate(_value) AS requests WHERE "index"="MyIndex" AND metric_name="MyMetricNameRegex" BY metric_name, le
| stats sum(requests) AS total_requests BY metric_name, le
| sort metric_name, le
| eventstats max(total_requests) as total_hist_rate, last(le) as uppermost_bound, count as num_buckets by metric_name
| eval rank=exact(0.5)*total_hist_rate
| streamstats current=f last(le) as gr, last(total_requests) as last_hist_rate by metric_name
| dedup metric_name
| `histperc_partial(Median, 0.5, total_requests, total_hist_rate, gr, last_hit_rate, num_buckets, uppermost_bound, le)`
| `histperc_partial(90th, 0.9, total_requests, total_hist_rate, gr, last_hit_rate, num_buckets, uppermost_bound, le)`
| `histperc_partial(75th, 0.75, total_requests, total_hist_rate, gr, last_hit_rate, num_buckets, uppermost_bound, le)`
| `histperc_partial(25th, 0.25, total_requests, total_hist_rate, gr, last_hit_rate, num_buckets, uppermost_bound, le)`
| `histperc_partial(10th, 0.10, total_requests, total_hist_rate, gr, last_hit_rate, num_buckets, uppermost_bound, le)`
| table metric_name Median 90th 75th 25th 10th I had to create a new macro that does what the original histperc macro does but where fields are already calculated beforehand, the macro looks like eval rank=exact($hist_perc$)*$total_hist_rate$
| eval $gr$=if(isnull($gr$), 0, $gr$), $last_hist_rate$=if(isnull($last_hist_rate$), 0, $last_hist_rate$)
| where $total_requests$ >= rank
| eval $fieldName$=case(lower($uppermost_bound$) != "+inf" or $num_buckets$ < 2, "NaN", lower($le$) == "+inf", $gr$, $gr$ == 0 and $le$ <= 0, $le$, true(), exact($gr$ + ($le$-$gr$)*(rank - $last_hist_rate$) / ($total_requests$ - $last_hist_rate$))) Im sure there are ways to make this alot simpler and faster than what i have done, but this solved the issue for me at the moment. If anyone has ideas of where to improve i will gladly accept them, but for now i'll mark this question as answered
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