Hi, I'm wondering if there isn't an issue with the correlation search that comes with Splunk ES "Threat activity detected". Indeed, my problem come from the fact that when it's triggered then I have at least 2 other alerts concerning the "24h thresold risk score" (RBA). I have taken the original correlation search (at least I think it is) | from datamodel:"Threat_Intelligence"."Threat_Activity" | dedup threat_match_field,threat_match_value | `get_event_id` | table _raw,event_id,source,src,dest,src_user,user,threat*,weight | rename weight as record_weight | `per_panel_filter("ppf_threat_activity","threat_match_field,threat_match_value")` | `get_threat_attribution(threat_key)` | rename source_* as threat_source_*,description as threat_description | fields - *time | eval risk_score=case(isnum(record_weight), record_weight, isnum(weight) AND weight=1, 60, isnum(weight), weight, 1=1, null()), risk_system=if(threat_match_field IN("query", "answer"),threat_match_value,null()), risk_hash=if(threat_match_field IN("file_hash"),null(),threat_match_value), risk_network=if(threat_match_field IN("http_user_agent", "url") OR threat_match_field LIKE "certificate_%",null(),threat_match_value), risk_host=if(threat_match_field IN("file_name", "process", "service") OR threat_match_field LIKE "registry_%",null(),threat_match_value), risk_other=if(threat_match_field IN("query", "answer", "src", "dest", "src_user", "user", "file_hash", "http_user_agent", "url", "file_name", "process", "service") OR threat_match_field LIKE "certificate_%" OR threat_match_field LIKE "registry_%",null(),threat_match_value) And notice that the mechanism to select which type of risk category is concerned is changing after the first line. 1. Risk_system risk_system=if(threat_match_field IN("query", "answer"),threat_match_value,null()), If I translate : If the threat_match_field is "query or "answer" then the risk category is system and risk_system="IOC that matched" In this case this is a domain or URL (because it's a DNS query or answer) --> THIS LINE IS GOOD 2. Risk_hash risk_hash=if(threat_match_field IN("file_hash"),null(),threat_match_value), But in the case of hash, if I translate : If the threat_match_field is "file_hash" then the risk category is NOT hash and risk_hash="null" --> THIS LINE IS WRONG Then it is the same for all other category : network, host, other So in my opinion the values in the if statement were reversed. risk_hash=if(threat_match_field IN("file_hash"),null(),threat_match_value), shoud be risk_hash=if(threat_match_field IN("file_hash"),threat_match_value, null()), Is it me ? My instance ? or what ? Thanks in advance Xavier
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