We have to filter the data which has Result=pass, status=200 and send the other logs to Splunk. we have received the logs to splunk before adding props.conf and transforms.conf. we have the following configuration in props.conf & transforms.conf.
[setnull] REGEX = . DEST_KEY = queue FORMAT = nullQueue
[setparsing] REGEX = result\=200 DEST_KEY = queue FORMAT = indexQueue
[cloudnull] REGEX = . DEST_KEY = queue FORMAT = nullQueue
[cloudparsing] REGEX = result\=pass DEST_KEY = queue FORMAT = indexQueue
[alibaba:cloudfirewall] TRANSFORMS-set= cloudnull,cloudparsing
[alibaba:waf] TRANSFORMS-set= setnull,setparsing
But we are not receiving any logs to splunk for this although there are logs in alibaba cloud. Below is the inputs.conf file
[sls_datainput://Alibaba_Cloud_Firewall] event_retry_times = 0 event_source = alibaba:cloudfirewall event_sourcetype = alibaba:cloudfirewall hec_timeout = 120 index = ***** interval = 300 protocol = private sls_accesskey = ***** sls_cg = ****** sls_cursor_start_time = end sls_data_fetch_interval = 1 sls_endpoint = ******* sls_heartbeat_interval = 60 sls_logstore = ***** sls_max_fetch_log_group_size = 1000 sls_project = ******* unfolded_fields = {"actiontrail_audit_event": ["event"], "actiontrail_event": ["event"] }
[sls_datainput://Alibaba_waf] event_retry_times = 0 event_source = alibaba:waf event_sourcetype = alibaba:waf hec_timeout = 120 index = ***** interval = 300 protocol = private sls_accesskey = ****** sls_cg = ******* sls_cursor_start_time = end sls_data_fetch_interval = 1 sls_endpoint = **** sls_heartbeat_interval = 60 sls_logstore = ***** sls_max_fetch_log_group_size = 1000 sls_project = **** unfolded_fields = {"actiontrail_audit_event": ["event"], "actiontrail_event": ["event"] }
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