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- Posted Re: REST API for Splunk Dashboard update giving error for complex XML on Dashboards & Visualizations. 08-15-2021 10:38 PM
- Karma Re: REST API for Splunk Dashboard update giving error for complex XML for kamlesh_vaghela. 08-15-2021 10:38 PM
- Tagged Re: REST API for Splunk Dashboard update giving error for complex XML on Dashboards & Visualizations. 08-15-2021 10:38 PM
- Posted REST API for Splunk Dashboard update giving error for complex XML on Dashboards & Visualizations. 06-28-2021 01:48 AM
- Tagged REST API for Splunk Dashboard update giving error for complex XML on Dashboards & Visualizations. 06-28-2021 01:48 AM
- Tagged REST API for Splunk Dashboard update giving error for complex XML on Dashboards & Visualizations. 06-28-2021 01:48 AM
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10:38 PM
@kamlesh_vaghela Thank you this solution worked perfectly !
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- Thank
01:48 AM
I have a complex Splunk Dashboard that needs to be updated through REST API. The Dashboard was created manually, so the Dashboard XML is very large with many graphs,charts and complex search queries. I am able to do a GET of the dashboard contents. But when I try to update dashboard via POST and pass entire XML as eai:data, I get the error: Unparsable URI-encoded request data . When I try to pass the xml as file (request.xml) for Curl : curl -ku username:pwd -X POST -H "Content-Type:text/xml" -d 'name=testdashboard' -d 'eai:data=@request.xml' https://my_splunk_url:8089/servicesNS/username/appspace/data/ui/views <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response> <messages> <msg type="ERROR">Error parsing XML on line 1: Start tag expected, '<' not found </msg> </messages> </response> In the request.xml have tried to replace <form> with <form> still no luck. Can someone please advise how to update large complex XML through REST API?
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- Labels:
simple XML