How can I do Three search in the same query, but the results separate for a week (the results of last 4 weeks), and the result of the three search do a operation math for a final result. /////////////////////////// This is my query: index="main_alarms" | search entity_name ="*" | dedup alarm_id, source | where _time>relative_time(now(),"-4w@w") | bin _time span=1w | stats count as eventcount by _time | rename eventcount as "TotalAlerts" | append [ search index="main_alarms" | dedup alarm_id, source | search entity_name ="*" | search alarm_rule="*" | where _time>relative_time(now(),"-4w@w") | bin _time span=1w | where alarm_status_desc = "Closed: False Alarm" | stats count as alarm_status_desc by _time | rename alarm_status_desc as "AlertsFalse"] | append [search index="main_alarms" | dedup alarm_id, source | search entity_name ="*" | dedup alarm_id, source | search alarm_status_desc="*" alarm_rule="*" ActionStatus=* | where _time>relative_time(now(),"-4w@w") | bin _time span=1w | stats count as eventcount1 by _time | rename eventcount1 as "AlertsSmart"] | table "TotalAlerts" "AlertsFalse" "AlertsSmart" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// But this is the result ////////////////////////////////////////// How can I get the result to be in the same row and then do the difference of the week? | eval Diff=(("TotalAlerts")-("AlertsFalse"+"AlertsSmart")) - The same index in the 3 searchs - The last 4 weeks - Diference =(A-(B+C)) - Chart the Columns A B C Diference
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