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- Posted Re: Accumulate values for a multi value field by key on Splunk Search. 08-27-2020 01:41 PM
- Posted Re: Accumulate values for a multi value field by key on Splunk Search. 08-26-2020 01:07 PM
- Posted Accumulate values for a multi value field by key on Splunk Search. 08-26-2020 10:30 AM
- Tagged Accumulate values for a multi value field by key on Splunk Search. 08-26-2020 10:30 AM
- Tagged Accumulate values for a multi value field by key on Splunk Search. 08-26-2020 10:30 AM
- Posted Re: mvfilter before using mvexpand to reduce memory usage on Splunk Search. 08-26-2020 09:33 AM
- Posted Re: mvfilter before using mvexpand to reduce memory usage on Splunk Search. 08-26-2020 04:44 AM
- Posted Re: mvfilter before using mvexpand to reduce memory usage on Splunk Search. 08-25-2020 11:52 PM
- Tagged mvfilter before using mvexpand to reduce memory usage on Splunk Search. 08-25-2020 02:33 PM
- Tagged mvfilter before using mvexpand to reduce memory usage on Splunk Search. 08-25-2020 02:33 PM
- Tagged mvfilter before using mvexpand to reduce memory usage on Splunk Search. 08-25-2020 02:33 PM
- Tagged mvfilter before using mvexpand to reduce memory usage on Splunk Search. 08-25-2020 02:31 PM
- Posted mvfilter before using mvexpand to reduce memory usage on Splunk Search. 08-25-2020 02:29 PM
- Tagged mvfilter before using mvexpand to reduce memory usage on Splunk Search. 08-25-2020 02:29 PM
Topics I've Started
01:41 PM
Unfortunately I can't do that. I don't have a lot of different keys. Around 10-12. I ended up solving this by splitting the key manually into separate columns and then aggregating without using mvexpand. Something like: | fields name, value | eval stages=mvzip(name, value) -- the sort helps here to make sure the keys appear always in the same order | eval stages=mvsort(mvfilter(match(stages, "key-*")) | eval key0=mvindex(stages,0) | rex field=key0 "(?<name>.+),(?<key0>.+)" | eval key1=mvindex(stages,0) | rex field=key1 "(?<name>.+),(?<key1>.+)" -- similarly for all different keys | timechart span=1h median(key1) as key1 median(key2) as key2 -- other keys here This expands to exactly the same amount of data as before but no memory issues.
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01:07 PM
`mvexpand stages` blows up memory unfortunately.
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10:30 AM
Hi, Let's say I can get this table using some Splunk query. id stages 1 key1,100 key2,200 key3,300 2 key1,50 key2,150 key3,250 3 key1,150 key2,250 key3,350 Given this data I want the result, that is I want to reduce (average) over the keys. key avg key1 100 key2 200 key3 300 I tried to use mvexpand for this but Splunk runs out of memory and the results get truncated. So I want something more like a reduce function that can accumulate this mv field by key. Is this possible to do through a splunk query? Here is what I have tried: `data_source`
| fields id, stages{}.name as stage_name, somejson{}.duration as stage_duration
| eval stages=mvzip(stage_name, stage_duration)
| eval stages=mvfilter(match(stages, "key*"))
| mvexpand stages
| eval stages=split(stages, ",")
| eval stage_name=mvindex(stages,0)
| eval stage_duration=mvindex(stages,1)
| stats avg(stage_duration) by stage_name I want to do something more efficient than `mvexpand stages` that helps me do the reduction without blowing up memory.
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- Tags:
- efficiency
- mvexpand
- Labels:
field extraction
09:33 AM
No _time is not unique because multiple values exist within the same event (hence mvexpand) hence the results are not correct. I can try to give another example. Lets say I can get this table id mv_field 1 key1,100 key2,200 key3,300 2 key1,100 key2,200 key3,300 3 key1,100 key2,200 key3,300 Given this I want the result: key sum key1 300 key2 600 key3 900 The important part here is that the second column is an mv field. mvexpand breaks the memory usage there so I need some other way to accumulate the results. Maybe I will post this as a separate question cause this is perhaps simpler to explain. Update: mvfilter didn't help with the memory. I found a solution to this that I added here:
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04:44 AM
Well it doesn't really do what I stated in the problem. Perhaps you could say explains this part? > stats values(_time) as _time by stages
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11:52 PM
Sorry I don't get it. Could you expand on this a bit? Thanks!
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02:29 PM
Hi, I have some documents that looks like this: {
"document_id": "some-id",
"status": "some-status",
"fields": "some values",
"stages": [
"duration": 0.031,
"name": "my_name",
"more_fields": "more_values",
"array_field": [...],
} The length of the stages field can be quite large. I would like to calculate the avg or median duration for each type of stage but not for all stage types. Here is what I have initially: data_source
| fields status, stages{}.name as sname, stages{}.duration
| eval stage_fields=mvzip('stages{}.name', 'stages{}.duration')
| where job_result in ("some-status")
| mvexpand stage_fields
| fields stage_fields
| rex field=stage_fields "(?<stage_name>.+),(?<stage_duration>.+)"
| where stage_name in ("my_name", "other_name")
| timechart span=1h median(stage_duration) as "Median Stage Duration" by stage_name
| rename stage_name as "Stage Name" This obviously starts truncating results because mvexpand starts expanding into a huge number of fields and complains about memory limits. I tried to put an mvfilter before it so that it only expands those stages that I am interested in but obviously I didn't know how to use it so that ended up as a no op. So the question is how can I make this query more efficient? Thanks!
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