es_notable_events is lookup updated from saved search(ESS - Notable Events) for every 5 minutes. So if you use es_notable_events to send email notification on status change of notable, you need to wait 1-5 minutes to that change updated in es_notable_events. Hence you can directly use the search of saved search(ESS - Notable Events) which is what I am using here in this solution below: Firstly, you need to write all your output of below search to lookup table where you will create new fields updated_time value would be now() , assuming we have sent an email to all for now. time_range for below search depends on for how long you wanna keep a track of notable events. es_notable_events lookup will have only last 48 hours of events. if you think all notables status will be changed within 48 hours , you can set time range is 48 hours, I believe you might take more than 48 hours to resolve notable/incident. and this lookup will be growing in future to have track of changes for which we need to send an email `notable`
| search NOT `suppression`
| eval timeDiff_type=case(_time>=relative_time(now(), "-24h@h"),"current", 1=1, "historical")
| expandtoken rule_title
| table _time,event_id,security_domain,urgency,rule_name,rule_title,src,dest,src_user,user,dvc,status,status_group,owner,timeDiff_type,governance,control
| eval updated_time=now()
| outputlookup email_tracker_for_status_change.csv Assuming you schedule the search for every 10 minutes, it's up to you how frequently you want to run. `notable`
| search NOT `suppression`
| eval timeDiff_type=case(_time>=relative_time(now(), "-24h@h"),"current", 1=1, "historical")
| expandtoken rule_title
| table _time,event_id,security_domain,urgency,rule_name,rule_title,src,dest,src_user,user,dvc,status,status_group,owner,timeDiff_type,governance,control append intermediate lookup(email_tracker_for_status_change.csv) which we have created earlier and write updated results to lookup. | eval updated_time=now()
| append [|inputlookup email_tracker_for_status_change.csv]
| eventstats max(updated_time) as latest_updated_time dc(status) as dc_status by event_id
| where updated_time=latest_updated_time
| outputlookup email_tracker_for_status_change.csv
| where dc_status=2
| fields - dc_status,latest_updated_time final search would be: you can create alert and schedule, you can test before moving this to prod: `notable`
| search NOT `suppression`
| eval timeDiff_type=case(_time>=relative_time(now(), "-24h@h"),"current", 1=1, "historical")
| expandtoken rule_title
| table _time,event_id,security_domain,urgency,rule_name,rule_title,src,dest,src_user,user,dvc,status,status_group,owner,timeDiff_type,governance,control
| eval updated_time=now()
| append [|inputlookup email_tracker_for_status_change.csv]
| eventstats max(updated_time) as latest_updated_time dc(status) as dc_status by event_id
| where updated_time=latest_updated_time
| outputlookup email_tracker_for_status_change.csv
| where dc_status=2
| fields - dc_status,latest_updated_time
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