Quite a few "SAI not showing entities" articles, none seem to fix my problem. Extreme splunk newbie here. We have one enterprise splunk server called cotsplunk with Splunk App for Infrastructure and Splunk Addon for Infrastructure installed. We've got logs from various forwarders pushing to 9997 with no issues. These are all in-house Windows machines. I really want to see what SAI is all about, and have done Add Data - followed the Windows tab.. added an entry to monitor E:\Bitbucket\log\* and took the generated script and ran on the server I'm gathering metrics from (cotuuwork). Still no entities showing. Someone mentioned running: | mcatalog values("entitytype") as "entitytype" values("os") as "os" WHERE metricname=processor.* AND index=em_metrics BY "host" but that shows 0 results All-Time. On the server I'm trying to collect metrics on (cotuuwork) - some pertinent file info: D:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\apps\SplunkUniversalForwarder\local\inputs.conf # *** Configure Metrics & Logs collected *** [perfmon://CPU] counters = % C1 Time;% C2 Time;% Idle Time;% Processor Time;% User Time;% Privileged Time;% Reserved Time;% Interrupt Time instances = * interval = 60 object = Processor mode = single useEnglishOnly = true sourcetype = PerfmonMetrics:CPU index = em_metrics _meta = os::"Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard" os_version::6.3.9600 ip::"<redacted>" entity_type::Windows_Host [monitor://$SPLUNK_HOME\var\log\splunk\*.log*] sourcetype = uf disabled = false index = _internal [WinEventLog://Application] checkpointInterval = 10 current_only = 0 disabled = 0 start_from = oldest [WinEventLog://Security] checkpointInterval = 10 current_only = 0 disabled = 0 start_from = oldest [WinEventLog://System] checkpointInterval = 10 current_only = 0 disabled = 0 start_from = oldest [WinEventLog://Forwarded Events] checkpointInterval = 10 current_only = 0 disabled = 0 start_from = oldest [WinEventLog://Setup] checkpointInterval = 10 current_only = 0 disabled = 0 start_from = oldest [monitor://E:\Bitbucket\log] sourcetype = disabled = false index=bitbucket D:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\apps\SplunkUniversalForwarder\local\outputs.conf [tcpout] defaultGroup = default-autolb-group [tcpout:default-autolb-group] server = cotsplunk:9997 But then I also see a: D:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\system\local\inputs.conf Then another article mentioned I need to have a D:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\apps\splunk_app_infra_uf_config\inputs.conf I understand that the local\inputs.conf is for customizations on top of default\inputs.conf .... but could someone please advise the etc\apps\SplunkUniversalForwarder vs the etc\system vs the etc\apps\splunk_app_infra_uf_config or what I can do to troubleshoot further? Thanks
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