Hi, Can you explain more on this statement : "Yes, the workaround will make the acceleration feature less useful, because only older events will be accelerated, and for recent events, they will be based on regular search results." Is it referring to DM acceleration? If yes, does it mean that the DM will not be up to date ?
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Hi Deca, How long does the search for 14k result take and how long does that for 24 hrs take ? When you export report to csv from UI, you have this message on the lower part of the dialogue box "Your search will rerun if the number of results is higher than 1,000". So my guess is that the 24 hours is taking to much time to run- beyond the timeout setting.
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When i tried selecting a summary index, the particular index i want is not listed, even though i have access to the index. i could perform search on the index to be use for summary index, but its not appearing as the list of option to select from when enabling summary index for a report. Some other indexes that i have access to are also not appearing.. pls help
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Which Db is this running on.
Check to make sure that your query runns well.
Check the data type of the columns in the table and any default value set for each data type
check rpc.log
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