@VijaySrrie There is a problem with URL generated by sendemail alert action. The URL which is generated by sendemail is not matched with the actual URL of results of your job. you might be seeing something like below in your view results link generated by sendemail alert action (not working) https://localhost/app/SplunkEnterpriseSecuritySuite/@go?sid=scheduler_aGVscGFnX2J0aGFtYmlzZXR0eQ--SplunkEnterpriseSecuritySuite--RMD5d9601e54d98432f3_at_1629087420_8139 The actual URL should be like below (working) https://localhost/app/SplunkEnterpriseSecuritySuite/@go?sid=scheduler_aGVscGFnX2J0aGFtYmlzZXR0eQ__SplunkEnterpriseSecuritySuite__RMD5d9601e54d98432f3_at_1629087420_8139 if you had closely observed the two URLs, -(hyphens) are replaced with _(underscore). As a workaround, try replacing -(hyphens) with _(underscore). It should give you the results if the job is not expired.
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