Here is a script that you can use. I use it to roll this out using Forwarder Management - but you can just run it on each host if you don't have too many. I named the add-on "ManagedInfrastructure" on the Univ Forwarders, but you can keep the original name just change that line in the script. If you want to use your Forwarder Manager, I have included that after the script.
$splunkpath = "C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\apps\ManagedInfrastructure\local\" $inputconfTemp = $splunkpath + "inputs.temp"
$metrics_param = "logical_disk,physical_disk,cpu,memory,network,system,process"
$log_sources_param = "application%WinEventLog,system%WinEventLog,security%WinEventLog"
$cpu_instance_type = '_Total'
$metrics_index = "em_metrics"
if (Test-Path -Path $inputconfTemp ) {Remove-Item -Path $inputconfTemp}
$m_cpu =`
"[perfmon://CPU]`r`n" `
+ "counters = % C1 Time;% C2 Time;% Idle Time;% Processor Time;% User Time;% Privileged Time;% Reserved Time;% Interrupt Time`r`n" `
+ "instances = $cpu_instance_type`r`n" `
+ "interval = 30`r`n" `
+ "object = Processor`r`n" `
+ "mode = single`r`n" `
+ "useEnglishOnly = true`r`n" `
+ "index = $metrics_index"
$m_memory =`
"[perfmon://Memory]`r`n" `
+ "counters = Cache Bytes;% Committed Bytes In Use;Page Reads/sec;Pages Input/sec;Pages Output/sec;Committed Bytes;Available
+ "interval = 30`r`n" `
+ "object = Memory`r`n" `
+ "mode = single`r`n" `
+ "useEnglishOnly = true`r`n" `
+ "index = $metrics_index"
$m_physical_disk =`
"[perfmon://PhysicalDisk]`r`n" `
+ "counters = % Disk Read Time;% Disk Write Time`r`n" `
+ "instances = *`r`n" `
+ "interval = 30`r`n" `
+ "object = PhysicalDisk`r`n" `
+ "mode = single`r`n" `
+ "useEnglishOnly = true`r`n" `
+ "index = $metrics_index"
$m_logical_disk =`
"[perfmon://LogicalDisk]`r`n" `
+ "counters = Free Megabytes;% Free Space`r`n" `
+ "instances = *`r`n" `
+ "interval = 30`r`n" `
+ "object = LogicalDisk`r`n" `
+ "mode = single`r`n" `
+ "useEnglishOnly = true`r`n" `
+ "index = $metrics_index"
$m_network =`
"[perfmon://Network]`r`n" `
+ "counters = Bytes Received/sec;Bytes Sent/sec;Packets Received/sec;Packets Sent/sec;Packets Received Errors;Packets Outbound
Errors`r`n" `
+ "instances = *`r`n" `
+ "interval = 30`r`n" `
+ "mode = single`r`n" `
+ "object = Network Interface`r`n" `
+ "useEnglishOnly = true`r`n" `
+ "index = $metrics_index"
$m_system =`
"[perfmon://System]`r`n" `
+ "counters = Processor Queue Length;Threads`r`n" `
+ "instances = *`r`n" `
+ "interval = 30`r`n" `
+ "object = System`r`n" `
+ "mode = single`r`n" `
+ "useEnglishOnly = true`r`n" `
+ "index = $metrics_index"
$m_process =`
"[perfmon://Process]`r`n" `
+ "counters = % Processor Time;% User Time;% Privileged Time`r`n" `
+ "instances = *`r`n" `
+ "interval = 30`r`n" `
+ "object = Process`r`n" `
+ "mode = single`r`n" `
+ "useEnglishOnly = true`r`n" `
+ "index = $metrics_index"
# Inputs.conf options for the supported Windows EventLogs
$eventlog_options =`
"checkpointInterval = 10`r`n" `
+ "current_only = 1`r`n" `
+ "disabled = 0`r`n" `
+ "start_from = oldest"
# extract os & ip info
# > WIN 7
#$os_info = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object Caption, Version
# =WIN 7
$os_info = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object Caption, Version
$ip_info = Test-Connection -ComputerName $env:computername -count 1 | Select-Object IPV4Address
# Add OS & ip info as dimension
# If these dimensions are to be updated, user has to rerun this script
$dims = $dimensions + " os::" + "`"" + $os_info.Caption + "`""
$dims = $dims + " os_version::" + $os_info.Version
$dims = $dims + " ip::" + "`"" + $ip_info.IPV4Address.IPAddressToString + "`""
$dims = $dims + ' entity_type::Windows_Host'
$metrics = $metrics_param -split ','
$log_sources = $log_sources_param -split ','
echo "# *** Configure Metrics Logs collected ***" > $inputconfTemp
For ($i=0; $i -lt $metrics.Length; $i++) {
$m_name = "m_" + $metrics[$i]
Get-Variable -Name $m_name -ValueOnly -ErrorAction 'Ignore' >> $inputconfTemp
# Add dimensions
echo "_meta = $dims" >> $inputconfTemp
echo "`n" >> $inputconfTemp
For ($i=0; $i -lt $log_sources.Length; $i++) {
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($log_sources[$i])) { continue }
# split log source into source and sourcetype
$logsource = $log_sources[$i] -split '%'
if ($logsource.Length -ne 2) { continue }
$log_source = $($logsource[0])
$log_sourcetype = $($logsource[1])
if ($log_sourcetype -eq 'WinEventLog') {
#Get-Variable -Name $log_source -ValueOnly -ErrorAction 'Ignore' >> $inputconfTemp
echo "[WinEventLog://$log_source]" >> $inputconfTemp
echo "$eventlog_options" >> $inputconfTemp
echo "`r`n" >> $inputconfTemp
else {
echo "[monitor://$log_source]" >> $inputconfTemp
echo "sourcetype = $log_sourcetype" >> $inputconfTemp
echo "disabled = false" >> $inputconfTemp
if ($log_sourcetype -eq 'collectd' -Or $log_sourcetype -eq 'uf') {
echo "index = _internal" >> $inputconfTemp
echo "`r`n" >> $inputconfTemp
if (Test-Path -Path $splunkpath"inputs.old" ) {Remove-Item -Path $splunkpath"inputs.old"}
if (Test-Path -Path $splunkpath"inputs.conf" ) {Rename-Item -Path $splunkpath"inputs.conf" -NewName $splunkpath"inputs.old"}
if (Test-Path -Path $splunkpath"inputs.conf" ) {Remove-Item -Path $splunkpath"inputs.conf"}
Rename-Item -Path $inputconfTemp -NewName $splunkpath"inputs.conf"
TO Roll-out with Forwarder Manager:
Create the new Applications on the Forwarder Manager
Name: ManagedInfrastructure
Name: Restart_Only
Set Ownership of new files
chown -R splunk:splunk /opt/splunk/etc/deployment-apps/ManagedInfrastructure/
chown -R splunk:splunk /opt/splunk/etc/deployment-apps/Restart_Only
install.path: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command "& 'C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\apps\ManagedInfrastructure\bin\install.ps1'
interval = -1
Push out with the Manager, then Push out Restart_Only app.
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