We have configured SUSE linux servers to send the syslogs to a Universal Forwarder. We found a very strange issue while the logs are indexed. Splunk is detecting the wrong year in the time stamp.
For example: If the linux server IP is, Splunk detects the year in the time stamp as 2011. If the IP is x.x.x.12, it detects year as 2012. If the IP is x.x.x.16 or x.x.x.17 or anything above 15, it detects as 2015.
I have tried to forward syslogs to Splunk Indexer directly instead of a universal forwarder and the time stamp is perfect. I tried to set DATETIME_CONFIG=CURRENT in props.conf in the indexer for the linux source types, but still no luck when the logs are coming through the forwarder. Can someone help to find a solution?
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