I am having a ton of trouble expressing this query.
Suppose I have 1,000 distinct people, and 25 cities. Over a time period, each person might visit [0...n] cities.
I want a report which shows, for each city, what percentage of my unique people visited that city? Note that in this report, the percentages won't add up to 100%, since any person might visit more than one city in the time period.
This search gives me the # of unique people and returns one row, value of "1000":
eventtype=visit |stats dc(person) | rename dc(person) as "# Unique People"
This search shows # of unique people who visited each city and returns 25 rows:
eventtype=visit |stats dc(person) by city | rename dc(person) as "# Unique People" | sort -"# Unique People"
What I want is, in Search #2, instead of showing a # of people, I want to show the # of people divided by the total returned in Search #1 (which would be a percentage of the total unique people).
Can anyone help? I've played with append, appendcols, join, appendpipe.. I'm lost.
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