Hi all,
Can Splunk get data lookup from remote peer server ? The problem is, because we have many Splunk servers, so if the lookup is located to each servers, then when we want to manually update it, we have to update to all servers. What we want is to maintance the Splunk lookup table in one server and all other servers get data from that server.
I try this query but it is not working * | head 1 | eval fieldinput="abc" | lookup local=false lookup-table-a fieldinput AS fieldinput OUTPUTNEW fieldoutput AS fieldoutput
The error is Error in 'lookup' command: The lookup table 'lookup-table-a' does not exist.
Well lookup-table-a is located in server a. I have the query in server b which the search peer to server a is enabled.
So, Can Splunk get data lookup from remote peer server ?
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